Now Accepting New Clients for 2025!!

Now Accepting New Clients for 2025!!

Danielle Suprna - Founder, Owner, and Operator

We are now




for 2025!

Space is filling

up Quickly!

Come see

if we’re the


you’ve been


for! Book a



Your child is NOT missing a piece.

They AREN’T a puzzle to be solved.

They’re Whole, Complete, & Perfect

Just the way they ARE!

It’s not the 1920’s anymore.

Autism and Neurodivergent treatment and therapy
is changing. We’ve learned more about Neurodiversity, 
Autism, and ADHD in the last 3 years than we did 
in the previous 30 years combined. Due to this
 new information, our understanding of Neurodiversity 
has evolved to become more neurodivergent affirming.
Our therapies should be changing to reflect that as well. 
So why are most therapies still operating the same 
way, using the same old outdated approach?  

Traditional Autism and Neurodivergent treatment focused on changing the behaviors that are typical to those who are neurodivergent, with little disregard to why the behaviors were occurring. The methodologies of their application of behavioral science teach the individual with autism to mask, or cover up, their behaviors and to disregard their self-regulation and self-preservation cues. This is to get the client to replace those innate self-signals with more acceptable, or neurotypical behaviors – even if those behaviors do not fill the physiological or sensory need of the neurodivergent brain. The science, as applied in traditional treatment, does not use child development milestones, does not validate ND clients’ very real struggles, teach the client self-regulation techniques, explain or identify the emotions the child is feeling, help the client to understand their behaviors themselves, honor the child’s nervous system responses telling them they are uncomfortable and unsafe, nor give the client the tools they will need to advocate for themselves throughout the rest of their lives. In this method, there is more focus on parents’ wishes than what is best for the client. There is little to no client advocacy. Instead of helping the family learn to support, accept, validate, advocate for, and understand their neurodivergent child, they train the child to better fit into the family’s neurotypical way of life, with no better comprehension of themselves or how they fit in the world around them. Studies of adults who have undergone this traditional therapy have reported high instances of feeling invalidated, unheard, and unloved unless they complied. Traditional techniques are also not compatible, or effective, if the client has an RSD or PDA profile.

I am an adult with Autism and ADHD, I am also Dyslexic, Dysgraphic, and Dyscalculic. When I was a child, 40 years ago, I went through some of the same traditional Autism and Neurodivergent treatments that are still in use today. I was also a Special Education Student in a self-contained classroom from elementary school through high school. I am also a parent to an amazing kiddo who is on the spectrum. I have been a parent trying to figure out the strange, scary, and confusing world that comes with an ASD diagnosis. I have also been the parent that had to fight and advocate for a diagnosis for my child. They didn’t present typically, so for a long time no wanted to listen to me. I have also been an educator in the world of Special Education for 15 years. I worked with homeschool co-ops to implement a Special Education Program as well as homeschooling my own Exceptional Students when public school was not a viable option to get them the education they deserved. I worked as a lead room paraeducator where I helped to lesson plan, lead small groups, head classroom management, deescalate dangerous behaviors, sat in and participated in IEP meetings, risked my job advocating for students, did direct instruction and 1:1 teaching, and so so much more. I have worked as a respite care provider for children with multiple exceptionalities and I have worked in ABA as a behavioral therapist in both school and center settings. And while traditional autism therapies have drastically improved, it is still very harsh and difficult for neurodivergent people to endure.

With so much experience within the autism treatment and education communities, both as a child and as an adult, I am lucky enough to be given a unique lens to look at the world around me. I was tired of seeing so many genuinely caring people try their best to help Neurodivergent children struggle in their passion. Over the years and decades, I saw that the same gaps that existed in my treatment and education growing up were still gaps in the system today. I want to change that. I want to help put an end to the struggle of getting kids the help they need, I want to end the heartbreak as adults tried again and again to get meaningful lasting help for their child, and I want to end the cycle of dysfunctional broken neurodivergent children being the resulting victims of a very broken system that is supposed to protect them.

My approach is the gentle parenting of Autism Therapies. I do not want to teach your child not to be themselves, not to trust themselves, not to take up all of the wonderful space that they deserve, that their voice is never good enough. I want to teach your child to embrace their diversity while also validating the very real, very difficult, very significant challenges that come with having a differently wired brain. I want to help your child understand their brain, why it does the things it does, how it works, so that they can better understand themselves. I want your child to learn about their emotions and why they react the way they do, to be able to see the causes and redirect themselves before that feeling becomes too big. I want your child to understand the academic concepts being presented to them. I want them to have the knowledge and power. I want them to learn in ways that leave them feeling smart and empowered, no more frustrations and tears and laments of I’m Stupid. I want your child to feel heard, that their words, no matter how they communicate, are important and listened to, that their communication is worthy of anything they have to say. And that their words do not matter more, or less, even if they don’t use their mouths. I want to teach your child to calm themselves down, to ask for accommodations, to know their rights, to be able to ask for help, to go out into the community and make friendships and understand how they fit in the greater world in general. I want your child to know that they are a benefit, not a burden, and that they can live big, amazing, beautiful, fulfilling, wonderful lives… and still love and trust themselves at the end of it.

I know there is a better way. I believe in teaching the autistic individual how to be autistic within a functional societal structure and in teaching society in how to embrace neurodivergent individuals for who they are, not who they can be changed into. I can help your child learn how to advocate for themselves, learn the world in a way that makes sense to them, understand themselves in a positive way, emotional regulation and coping mechanisms, and the skills to be able to support themselves to a higher level for the rest of their lives. From educational therapy and peer support to community engagement and digital safety, I will help guide your child to understand the world in a way that only someone who has the shared lived experience can. I have extensive training in teaching and connecting with exceptional children as well, making me an invaluable resource to have on your child’s team. I have spent years developing a very novel and tailored approach to help neurodivergent kids the ways they need it most. I can connect and reach kids on their level; in the way that their brains work. I can be the representation to your child that they too can succeed. I’m just like them. So, please, give me the opportunity to help make your child’s life better, easier, more meaningful, and happier.

Let’s Make 2025 the BEST Year of Your Child’s Life!