Allowing a student with a hidden disability (ADHD, Anxiety, Dyslexia, etc.) to struggle academically or socially when all that is needed for success are appropriate accommodation and explicit instruction, is no different than failing to provide a ramp for a person in a wheelchair.

~ Joe Becigneul

We Do ~

  • Digital ~

    Helping neurodivergent kids learn and navigate the social realities of the digital age, managing online accounts and keeping them safe, internet safety, proper care and use of their tech devices, and utilizing technology as an accommodation. Social cues and expectations are difficult enough to navigate in our real-life world where we are constantly inundated with external sensory feedback – even if we don’t always recognize it, but in the digital world there are next to no signs or clues to follow until the repercussions come. When we live in a time where mistakes are forever, our children can make their adult lives even more difficult to navigate with a simple misunderstanding of expectations before they can even legally drive. Our goal is to protect your child now, and later… and to give them the tools they need to keep themselves protected.

  • Community ~

    Helping neurodivergent kids learn and navigate the common social interactions encountered throughout their community. From making and keeping appointments, navigating public transportation, going to the movies, getting a haircut, ordering their own meal from a menu, learning and identifying a safe “stranger”, Asking for help or directions from a client identified safe stranger, buying things on a list from a store/multiple stores, to going into the community and working with local business for employee training on proper acceptance and interaction with people who are neuro divergent including PECS and AAC training, sensory spaces, accommodations, recognizing overstimulation and autistic melts and knowing how to helpfully intervene and coregulate.

  • Peer ~

    Helping neurodivergent students comprehend and navigate the delicate, layered, multifaceted, and complicated world of peer-to-peer social relationships. We help teach friendship building skills, conflict resolution, conversation skills, social signs that people are not or do not want to be your friend, dating skills, and group interaction skills. Studies have shown that while social skills and engagement are impaired in neurodivergent-to-neurotypical peer groups, when placed in neurodivergent-to-neurodivergent peer groups the studies found that neurodivergent people had equal to or greater social skill utilization and engagement. Due to this, and experiencing this personally, we also offer opportunities for kids to engage in peer groups of other neuro divergent kids to encourage peer involvement and pave the way for meaningful friendships.

  • Social ~

    Helping neurodivergent kids understand the unspoken web of social expectations that allow us to successfully navigate in our society. This is a neurodivergent affirming approach to manners, safety, stranger danger, identifying dangerous situations, what to expect when interacting with a teacher, an employer, a stranger, a rude stranger, a coworker, a peer, police and firefighters/paramedics, etc. We also offer novel therapies to specific social situations including moving, funerals, weddings, new sibling, death and grief, puberty, sexual awareness, going to a performance, vacation, court appearance, etc.

  • Educational ~

    Helping neurodivergent students with their cognitive and academic struggles. We help your student learn to effectively study, take notes, make self-accommodations, and the accommodations that they can request to help them succeed. We also help students in specific academic areas of struggle. From help with math, reading, or subject specific focus – we tailor fit assistance that with show your child functional working skills to give them the tools to accel now and in the future

  • IEP ~

    Helping neurodivergent kids who aren’t getting the support they need to reach their IEP goals. Due to the current status of the special education system in the United States today, many of our most vulnerable students are left in situations where their individualized educational needs cannot be met effectively, often times, not at all. If you are searching for extra help in getting your child to their goals and achieve real viable growth, let us help you get your exceptional learner the help they truly need

  • Life Skills ~

    Helping neurodivergent children learn and manage daily life skills, that are often a struggle to children and families alike, in a way that helps them to cognitively understand the reason why these skills are so important. Skills such as time management, money management, daily chores and responsibilities, daily hygiene skills, and healthy food relationship skills can make a lasting a significant improvement to the quality of everyone’s lives.

  • NDATS (Neurodivergent Affirming Therapeutic Services) -

    Helping the neurodivergent child learn to feel comfortable and validated in the world around them. We will help guide your child as they learn emotion identification, self-regulation techniques, executive dysfunction support, allistic translation services, practical social anxiety management skills, task break down and step-by-step teaching to learn new skills, functional sensory integration and accommodation skills, Neurodivergent life coaching and mentorship programs

  • PECS/AAC ~

    Helping the neurodivergent child learn to use their communication devices, such as PECS and AAC, with fluency and confidence, to more successfully navigate their community, give them access to a broader world, greater independence, and an increased sense of dignity, autonomy and self-respect. Part of these services includes community engagement and training to make the community more accessible and accepting for your child and others. While all behavior is communication, we will encourage and teach your child to use their “voice” instead of their bodies. We believe all communication is valid and will not pressure your child to use or develop another communication method. We will respect and honor your child’s words and encourage them to use their voice, however it presents. We will never regard anyone’s method of communication as less than, in valid, or as a steppingstone to “real” speech.

  • Homeschool ~

    After dealing with educating our ND children in the public school system my family made the choice to homeschool. This was not an easy decision. There were no resources for homeschooling exceptional children. The school districts fought us, denied services, and refused any support as we struggled to educate our children. We didn’t know our rights as homeschoolers. There were few, if any, groups or co-ops, or even private classes, where we could take our children. There was no guidance, no social interaction, no advice on accommodations or modifications to the curriculum to help our kids. Due to this, I have learned, implemented and lead groups on how to connect, reach, accommodate, modify, and teach exceptional kids without support from the school system. I have 12 years of experience developing, setting up, and running co-op groups explicitly for exceptional students and their families, helping them to successfully navigate the homeschooling journey of their exceptional students. At Exceptional Milwaukee, we offer homeschool co-op type classes focused on helping your home learner establish functional academic, life, communication, and social skills in a welcome group setting. Prices are based on group pricing.

  • Public Speaking ~

    Coming Soon

  • Advocacy ~

    Coming Soon

  • Parent and Guardian Training Classes

    Coming Soon

  • Corporate and Community Partnerships Training -

    Coming Soon

  • ND Life Coaching (YA)

    Coming Soon